Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship isnt shown as much anymore people are hurting other people on the web, and people arent steppen up and letting other peopr know about citizenshp. Another thing we learned was about our DIgital Footprint and how colleges , and job are look at your Facebook page as well as your application that you sumbit to the job or college. It is good to put things online but make sure that its postive ti where other peope will like what you put and try to be like you and post postive things online as well.

First Day of High School

My first week of high school was alright. I can already tell the difference from middle school. I know the expectations of my teacher’s, and I am going to try my best to reach those. After just this week I can already tell that I am going to do a whole lot more studying then I did last year but thats no problem. I really think that this going to be a really good year full of learning, and doing different things.

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